Package 'isodistrreg'

Title: Isotonic Distributional Regression (IDR)
Description: Distributional regression under stochastic order restrictions for numeric and binary response variables and partially ordered covariates. See Henzi, Ziegel, Gneiting (2021) <doi:10.1111/rssb.12450>.
Authors: Alexander Henzi [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Alexander Henzi <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.2.0
Built: 2025-02-17 02:43:49 UTC

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Isotonic distributional regression (IDR)


Isotonic distributional Regression (IDR) is a nonparametric method to estimate conditional distributions under monotonicity constraints.

How does it work?

Read the arXiv preprint ‘Isotonic Distributional Regression’ on (published article: or by calling browseVignettes(package = "isodistrreg").

The isodistrreg package

To make probabilistic forecasts with IDR,

  • call idr(y = y, X = X, ...), where y is the response variable (e.g. weather variable observations) and X is a data.frame of covariates (e.g. ensemble forecasts).

  • use predict(fit, data), where fit is the model fit computed with idr and data is the data based on which you want to make predictions.

  • Try idrbag for IDR with (su)bagging.

The following pre-defined functions are available to evaluate IDR predictions:

  • cdf and qpred to compute the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and quantile function of IDR predictions.

  • bscore and qscore to calculate Brier scores for probability forecasts for threshold exceedance (e.g. probability of precipitation) and quantile scores (e.g. mean absolute error of median forecast.)

  • crps to compute the continuous ranked probability score (CRPS).

  • pit to compute the probability integral transform (PIT).

  • plot to plot IDR predictive CDFs.

Use the dataset rain to test IDR.


Henzi, A., Ziegel, J.F. and Gneiting, T. (2021), Isotonic distributional regression. J R Stat Soc Series B, 83: 963-993.


## A usage example:

# Prepare dataset: Half of the data as training dataset, other half for validation.
# Consult the R documentation (?rain) for details about the dataset.
trainingData <- subset(rain, date <= "2012-01-09")
validationData <- subset(rain, date > "2012-01-09")

# Variable selection: use HRES and the perturbed forecasts P1, ..., P50
varNames <- c("HRES", paste0("P", 1:50))

# Partial orders on variable groups: Usual order of numbers on HRES (group '1') and
# increasing convex order on the remaining variables (group '2').
groups <- setNames(c(1, rep(2, 50)), varNames)
orders <- c("comp" = 1, "icx" = 2)

# Fit IDR to training dataset.
fit <- idr(
  y = trainingData[["obs"]],
  X = trainingData[, varNames],
  groups = groups,
  orders = orders

# Make prediction for the first day in the validation data:
firstPrediction <- predict(fit, data = validationData[1, varNames])

# Use cdf() and qpred() to make probability and quantile forecasts:

## What is the probability of precipitation?
1 - cdf(firstPrediction, thresholds = 0)

## What are the predicted 10%, 50% and 90% quantiles for precipitation?
qpred(firstPrediction, quantiles = c(0.1, 0.5, 0.9))

# Make predictions for the complete verification dataset and compare IDR calibrated
# forecasts to the raw ensemble (ENS):
predictions <- predict(fit, data = validationData[, varNames])
y <- validationData[["obs"]]

## Continuous ranked probability score (CRPS):
CRPS <- cbind(
  "ens" = crps(validationData[, varNames], y),
  "IDR" = crps(predictions, y)
apply(CRPS, 2, mean)

## Brier score for probability of precipitation:
BS <- cbind(
  "ens" = bscore(validationData[, varNames], thresholds = 0, y),
  "IDR" = bscore(predictions, thresholds = 0, y)
apply(BS, 2, mean)

## Quantile score of forecast for 90% quantile:
QS90 <- cbind(
  "ens" = qscore(validationData[, varNames], quantiles = 0.9, y),
  "IDR" = qscore(predictions, quantiles = 0.9, y)
apply(QS90, 2, mean)

## Check calibration using (randomized) PIT histograms:
pitEns <- pit(validationData[, varNames], y)
pitIdr <- pit(predictions, y)

hist(pitEns, main = "PIT of raw ensemble forecasts", freq = FALSE)
hist(pitIdr, main = "PIT of IDR calibrated forecasts", freq = FALSE)

Brier score for forecast probability of threshold exceedance


Computes the Brier score of forecast probabilities for exceeding given thresholds.


bscore(predictions, thresholds, y)



either an object of class idr (output of predict.idrfit), or a data.frame of numeric variables. In the latter case, the CDF is computed using the empirical distribution of the variables in predictions.


numeric vector of thresholds at which the CDF will be evaluated.


a numeric vector of obervations of the same length as the number of predictions, or of length 1. In the latter case, y will be used for all predictions.


The Brier score for the event of exceeding a given threshold z is defined as

(1{y>z}P(y>z))2(1\{y > z\} - P(y > z))^2

where y is the observation and P(y > z) the forecast probability for exceeding the threshold z.


A matrix of the Brier scores for the desired thresholds, one column per threshold.


Gneiting, T. and Raftery, A. E. (2007), 'Strictly proper scoring rules, prediction, and estimation', Journal of the American Statistical Association 102(477), 359-378

See Also

predict.idrfit, cdf



## Postprocess HRES forecast using data of 3 years

X <- rain[1:(3 * 365), "HRES", drop = FALSE]
y <- rain[1:(3 * 365), "obs"]

fit <- idr(y = y, X = X)

## Compute Brier score for postprocessed probability of precipitation
## forecast using data of the next 2 years (out-of-sample predictions)

data <- rain[(3 * 365 + 1):(5 * 365), "HRES", drop = FALSE]
obs <- rain[(3 * 365 + 1):(5 * 365), "obs"]
predictions <- predict(fit, data = data)
score <- bscore(predictions, thresholds = 0, y = obs)


Cumulative distribution function (CDF) of IDR or raw forecasts


Evaluate the the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of IDR predictions or of unprocessed forecasts in a data.frame.


cdf(predictions, thresholds)

## S3 method for class 'idr'
cdf(predictions, thresholds)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
cdf(predictions, thresholds)



either an object of class idr (output of predict.idrfit), or a data.frame of numeric variables. In the latter case, the CDF is computed using the empirical distribution of the variables in predictions.


numeric vector of thresholds at which the CDF will be evaluated.


The CDFs are considered as piecewise constant stepfunctions: If x are the points where the IDR fitted CDF (or the empirical distribution of the forecasts) has jumps and p the corresponding CDF values, then for x[i] <= x < x[i + 1], the CDF at x is p[i].


A matrix of probabilities giving the evaluated CDFs at the given thresholds, one column for each threshold.

See Also

predict.idrfit qpred, bscore



## Postprocess HRES forecast using data of 3 years

X <- rain[1:(3 * 365), "HRES", drop = FALSE]
y <- rain[1:(3 * 365), "obs"]

fit <- idr(y = y, X = X)

## Compute probability of precipitation given that the HRES forecast is
## 0 mm, 0.5 mm or 1 mm

predictions <- predict(fit, data = data.frame(HRES = c(0, 0.5, 1)))
1 - cdf(predictions, thresholds = 0)

Continuous ranked probability score (CRPS)


Computes the CRPS of IDR or raw forecasts.


crps(predictions, y)

## S3 method for class 'idr'
crps(predictions, y)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
crps(predictions, y)



either an object of class idr (output of predict.idrfit), or a data.frame of numeric variables. In the latter case, the CRPS is computed using the empirical distribution of the variables in predictions.


a numeric vector of obervations of the same length as the number of predictions, or of length 1. In the latter case, y will be used for all predictions.


This function uses adapted code taken from the function crps_edf of the scoringRules package.


A vector of CRPS values.


Jordan A., Krueger F., Lerch S. (2018). "Evaluating Probabilistic Forecasts with scoringRules." Journal of Statistical Software. Forthcoming.

Gneiting, T. and Raftery, A. E. (2007), 'Strictly proper scoring rules, prediction, and estimation', Journal of the American Statistical Association 102(477), 359-378

See Also




## Postprocess HRES forecast using data of 3 years

X <- rain[1:(3 * 365), "HRES", drop = FALSE]
y <- rain[1:(3 * 365), "obs"]

fit <- idr(y = y, X = X)

## Compute CRPS of postprocessed HRES forecast using data of the next 2 years
## (out-of-sample predictions)

data <- rain[(3 * 365 + 1):(5 * 365), "HRES", drop = FALSE]
obs <- rain[(3 * 365 + 1):(5 * 365), "obs"]
predictions <- predict(fit, data = data)
idrCrps <- crps(predictions, y = obs)

## Compare this to CRPS of the raw ensemble of all forecasts (high resolution,
## control and 50 perturbed ensemble forecasts)

rawData <- rain[(3 * 365 + 1):(5 * 365), c("HRES", "CTR", paste0("P", 1:50))]
rawCrps <- crps(rawData, y = obs)

c("idr_HRES" = mean(idrCrps), "raw_all" = mean(rawCrps))

Distributional index model (DIM)


Fits distributional index model with user-specified index function to training dataset. See the examples at the bottom to learn how to specify a distributional single index model.


  pars = osqpSettings(verbose = FALSE, eps_abs = 1e-05, eps_rel = 1e-05, max_iter =
  progress = TRUE,



object of class formula that describes the index model


function that fits the index model to training data. Should accept arguments formula and data and admit a predict method. Further arguments in ... are passed to indexfit. See examples.


data.frame containing the covariates of the index model and the response variable.


name of the response variable in data.


parameters for quadratic programming optimization (only relevant for multivariate index functions), set using osqpSettings.


display progressbar for fitting idr?


further arguments passed to indexfit.


This function fits a distributional index model (DIM) to training data. The DIM assumes that the response is more likely to attain higher values when the values of the index function increases. The index function can be estimated by parametric methods like lm or glm or also nonparametrically.

The formal mathematical assumption of the DIM is that the conditional CDFs Fyg(X)=g(x)(z)F_{y | g(X) = g(x)}(z) at each fixed threshold z decreases, as g(x) increases. Here y denotes the response, x, X are the covariates in data and g is the index function estimated by indexfit.

Estimation is performed in two steps: indexfit is applied to data to estimate the function g. With this estimate, idr is applied with the pseudo-covariates g(x) and response y.


Object of class dindexm: A list containing the index model (first component) and the IDR fit on the pseudo-data with the index as covariate (second component).


Alexander Henzi, Gian-Reto Kleger & Johanna F. Ziegel (2021) Distributional (Single) Index Models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, DOI: <10.1080/01621459.2021.1938582>

See Also

idr for more information on IDR, predict.dindexfit for (out-of-sample) predictions based on a model with with dindexm.


n <- 1000
X <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(n), x2 = rnorm(n), x3 = rnorm(n))
y <- rnorm(n, 1 - X[, 1] + X[, 2]^2 / 3 - (1 - X[, 3]) * (1 + X[, 3]) / 2)
data <- cbind(y = y,

## data for out-of-sample prediction
newX <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(10), x2 = rnorm(10), x3 = rnorm(10))

## linear regression model for index
model <- dindexm(
  formula = y ~ poly(x1, degree = 2) + poly(x2, degree = 2) + 
    poly(x3, degree = 2),
  indexfit = lm,
  response = "y",
  data = data
pred <- predict(model, data = newX)

## plot
plot(pred, 1, main = "LM based DIM")
grd <- pred[[1]]$points
trueCdf <- pnorm(
  1 - newX[1, 1] + newX[1, 2]^2 / 3 - (1 - newX[1, 3]) * (1 + newX[1, 3]) / 2
points(grd, trueCdf, type = "l", col = 2)

Fit IDR to training data


Fits isotonic distributional regression (IDR) to a training dataset.


idr(y, X, weights = NULL, groups = setNames(rep(1, ncol(X)),
  colnames(X)), orders = c("comp" = 1), stoch = "sd",
  pars = osqpSettings(verbose = FALSE, eps_abs =
  1e-5, eps_rel = 1e-5, max_iter = 10000L), progress = TRUE)



numeric vector (the response variable).


data frame of numeric or ordered factor variables (the regression covariates).


vector of positive weights (same length as y). Default is all weights equal to one.


named vector of length ncol(X) denoting groups of variables that are to be ordered with the same order (see 'Details'). Only relevant if X contains more than one variable. The same names as in X should be used.


named vector giving for each group in groups the order that will be applied to this group. Only relevant if X contains more than one variable. The names of orders give the order, the entries give the group labels. Available options: "comp" for componentwise order, "sd" for stochastic dominance, "icx" for increasing convex order (see 'Details). Default is "comp" for all variables. The "sd" and "icx" orders can only be used with numeric variables, but not with ordered factors.


stochastic order constraint used for estimation. Default is "sd" for first order stochastic dominance. Use "hazard" for hazard rate order (experimental).


parameters for quadratic programming optimization (only relevant if X has more than one column), set using osqpSettings.


display progressbar (TRUE, FALSE or 1, 0)?


This function computes the isotonic distributional regression (IDR) of a response y on on one or more covariates X. IDR estimates the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of y conditional on X by monotone regression, assuming that y is more likely to take higher values, as X increases. Formally, IDR assumes that the conditional CDF FyX=x(z)F_{y | X = x}(z) at each fixed threshold z decreases, as x increases, or equivalently, that the exceedance probabilities for any threshold z P(y>zX=x)P(y > z | X = x) increase with x.

The conditional CDFs are estimated at each threshold in unique(y). This is the set where the CDFs may have jumps. If X contains more than one variable, the CDFs are estimated by calling solve_osqp from the package osqp length(unique(y)) times. This might take a while if the training dataset is large.

Use the argument groups to group exchangeable covariates. Exchangeable covariates are indistinguishable except from the order in which they are labelled (e.g. ensemble weather forecasts, repeated measurements under the same measurement conditions).

The following orders are available to perform the monotone regression in IDR:

  • Componentwise order ("comp"): A covariate vector x1 is greater than x2 if x1[i] >= x2[i] holds for all components i. This is the standard order used in multivariate monotone regression and should not be used for exchangeable variables (e.g. perturbed ensemble forecasts).

  • Stochastic dominance ("sd"): x1 is greater than x2 in the stochastic order, if the (empirical) distribution of the elements of x1 is greater than the distribution of the elements of x2 (in first order) stochastic dominance. The "sd" order is invariant under permutations of the grouped variables and therefore suitable for exchangeable covariables.

  • Increasing convex order ("icx"): The "icx" order can be used for groups of exchangeable variables. It should be used if the variables have increasing variability, when their mean increases (e.g. precipitation forecasts or other variables with right-skewed distributions). More precisely, "icx" uses the increasing convex stochastic order on the empirical distributions of the grouped variables.


An object of class "idrfit" containing the following components:


data frame of all distinct covariate combinations used for the fit.


list of all observed responses in the training data for given covariate combinations in X.


matrix containing the estimated CDFs, one CDF per row, evaluated at thresholds (see next point). The CDF in the ith row corredponds to the estimated conditional distribution of the response given the covariates values in X[i,].


aggregated weights of the observations.


the thresholds at which the CDFs in cdf are evaluated. The entries in cdf[,j] are the conditional CDFs evaluated at thresholds[j].

groups, orders

the groups and orders used for estimation.


list giving a bound on the precision of the CDF estimation (the maximal downwards-step in the CDF that has been detected) and the fraction of CDF estimations that were stopped at the iteration limit max_iter. Decrease the parameters eps_abs and/or eps_rel or increase max_iter in pars to improve the precision. See osqpSettings for more optimization parameters.


the row indices of the covariates in X in the original training dataset (used for in-sample predictions with predict.idrfit).


(in multivariate IDR, NULL otherwise) matrices giving the order constraints for optimization. Used in predict.idrfit.


The function idr is only intended for fitting IDR model for a training dataset and storing the results for further processing, but not for prediction or evaluation, which is done using the output of predict.idrfit.


Code for the Pool-Adjacent Violators Algorithm (PAVA) is adapted from R code by Lutz Duembgen (available on


Henzi, A., Moesching, A. & Duembgen, L. Accelerating the Pool-Adjacent-Violators Algorithm for Isotonic Distributional Regression. Methodol Comput Appl Probab (2022).

Stellato, B., Banjac, G., Goulart, P., Bemporad, A., & Boyd, S. (2020). OSQP: An operator splitting solver for quadratic programs. Mathematical Programming Computation, 1-36.

Bartolomeo Stellato, Goran Banjac, Paul Goulart and Stephen Boyd (2019). osqp: Quadratic Programming Solver using the 'OSQP' Library. R package version

See Also

The S3 method predict.idrfit for predictions based on an IDR fit.



## Fit IDR to data of 185 days using componentwise order on HRES and CTR and
## increasing convex order on perturbed ensemble forecasts (P1, P2, ..., P50)

varNames <- c("HRES", "CTR", paste0("P", 1:50))
X <- rain[1:185, varNames]
y <- rain[1:185, "obs"]

## HRES and CTR are group '1', with componentwise order "comp", perturbed
## forecasts P1, ..., P50 are group '2', with "icx" order

groups <- setNames(c(1, 1, rep(2, 50)), varNames)
orders <- c("comp" = 1, "icx" = 2)

fit <- idr(y = y, X = X, orders = orders, groups = groups)

Compute IDR predictions with (su)bagging


Computes IDR predictions with bootstrap aggregating (bagging) or subsample aggregation (subagging).


idrbag(y, X, groups = setNames(rep(1, ncol(X)), colnames(X)), orders =
  c("comp" = 1), stoch = "sd", pars = osqpSettings(verbose = FALSE, eps_abs =
  1e-5, eps_rel = 1e-5, max_iter = 10000L), progress = TRUE, newdata, 
  digits = 3, interpolation = "linear", b, p, replace = FALSE, grid = NULL)



numeric vector (the response variable).


data frame of numeric or ordered factor variables (the regression covariates).


named vector of length ncol(X) denoting groups of variables that are to be ordered with the same order (see 'Details'). Only relevant if X contains more than one variable. The same names as in X should be used.


named vector giving for each group in groups the order that will be applied to this group. Only relevant if X contains more than one variable. The names of orders give the order, the entries give the group labels. Available options: "comp" for componentwise order, "sd" for stochastic dominance, "icx" for increasing convex order (see 'Details). Default is "comp" for all variables. The "sd" and "icx" orders can only be used with numeric variables, but not with ordered factors.


stochastic order constraint used for estimation. Default is "sd" for first order stochastic dominance. Use "hazard" for hazard rate order (experimental).


parameters for quadratic programming optimization (only relevant if X has more than one column), set using osqpSettings.


display progressbar (TRUE, FALSE or 1, 0)?


data.frame containing variables with which to predict. Ordered factor variables are converted to numeric for computation, so ensure that the factor levels are identical in newdata and in X.


number of decimal places for the predictive CDF.


interpolation method for univariate data. Default is "linear". Any other argument will select midpoint interpolation (see 'Details' in predict.idrfit). Has no effect for multivariate IDR.


number of (su)bagging samples.


size of (su)bagging samples relative to training data.


draw samples with (TRUE, 1) or without (FALSE, 0) replacement?


grid on which the predictive CDFs are evaluated. Default are the unique values of y.


This function draws b times a random subsample of size ceiling(nrow(X)*p)) from the training data, fits IDR to each subsample, computes predictions for the new data supplied in newdata, and averages the predictions derived from the b subsamples. There are no default values for b and p.


A list of predictions, see predict.idrfit.

Probability integral transform (PIT)


Computes the probability integral transform (PIT) of IDR or raw forecasts.


pit(predictions, y, randomize = TRUE, seed = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'idr'
pit(predictions, y, randomize = TRUE, seed = NULL)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
pit(predictions, y, randomize = TRUE, seed = NULL)



either an object of class idr (output of predict.idrfit), or a data.frame of numeric variables. In the latter case, the PIT is computed using the empirical distribution of the variables in predictions.


a numeric vector of obervations of the same length as the number of predictions.


PIT values should be randomized at discontinuity points of the predictive CDF (e.g. at zero for precipitation forecasts). Set randomize = TRUE to randomize.


argument to set.seed for random number generation (if randomize is TRUE).


Vector of PIT values.


Gneiting, T., Balabdaoui, F. and Raftery, A. E. (2007), 'Probabilistic forecasts, calibration and sharpness', Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology) 69(2), 243-268.

See Also




## Postprocess HRES forecast using data of 4 years

X <- rain[1:(4 * 365), "HRES", drop = FALSE]
y <- rain[1:(4 * 365), "obs"]

fit <- idr(y = y, X = X)

## Assess calibration of the postprocessed HRES forecast using data of next 4
## years and compare to calibration of the raw ensemble

data <- rain[(4 * 365 + 1):(8 * 365), "HRES", drop = FALSE]
obs <- rain[(4 * 365 + 1):(8 * 365), "obs"]
predictions <- predict(fit, data = data)
idrPit <- pit(predictions, obs, seed = 123)

rawData <- rain[(4 * 365 + 1):(8 * 365), c("HRES", "CTR", paste0("P", 1:50))]
rawPit <- pit(rawData, obs, seed = 123)

hist(idrPit, xlab = "Probability Integral Transform",
  ylab = "Density", freq = FALSE, main = "Postprocessed HRES")
hist(rawPit, xlab = "Probability Integral Transform",
  ylab = "Density", freq = FALSE, main = "Raw ensemble")

Plot IDR predictions


Plot an IDR predictive CDF.


## S3 method for class 'idr'
  index = 1,
  bounds = TRUE,
  col.cdf = "black",
  col.bounds = "blue",
  lty.cdf = 1,
  lty.bounds = 3,
  xlab = "Threshold",
  ylab = "CDF",
  main = "IDR predictive CDF",



object of class idr (output of predict.idrfit).


index of the prediction in x for which a plot is desired.


whether the bounds should be plotted or not (see predict.idrfit for details about the meaning of the bounds).


color of the predictive CDF.


color of the bounds.


linetype of the predictive CDF.


linetype of the CDF bounds.


label for x axis.


label for y axis.


main title.


further arguments to plot.stepfun or plot.


The data based on which the plot is drawn (returned invisible).

See Also




## Postprocess HRES and CTR forecast using data of 2 years

X <- rain[1:(2 * 365), c("HRES", "CTR"), drop = FALSE]
y <- rain[1:(2 * 365), "obs"]

## Fit IDR and plot the predictive CDF when the HRES forecast is 1 mm and
## CTR is 0 mm

fit <- idr(y = y, X = X)
pred <- predict(fit, data = data.frame(HRES = 1, CTR = 0))

Predict method for distributional index model (DIM)


Prediction based on distributional index model fit.


## S3 method for class 'dindexfit'
  data = NULL,
  digits = 3,
  interpolation = "linear",
  asplitAvail = TRUE,



DIM fit (object of class "dindexfit").


optional data.frame containing variables with which to predict. In-sample predictions are returned if this is omitted.


number of decimal places for the predictive CDF.


interpolation method for univariate index Default is "linear". Any other argument will select midpoint interpolation (see 'Details' in predict.idrfit). Has no effect for multivariate index function.


use asplit for splitting arrays (default is TRUE). Set to FALSE for R Versions < 3.6, where asplit is not available.


further arguments passed to the index prediction function.


A list of predictions, as for predict.idrfit.

See Also

Examples in dindexm.

Predict method for IDR fits


Prediction based on IDR model fit.


## S3 method for class 'idrfit'
predict(object, data = NULL, digits = 3, interpolation = "linear", ...)



IDR fit (object of class "idrfit").


optional data.frame containing variables with which to predict. In-sample predictions are returned if this is omitted. Ordered factor variables are converted to numeric for computation, so ensure that the factor levels are identical in data and the training data for fit.


number of decimal places for the predictive CDF.


interpolation method for univariate data. Default is "linear". Any other argument will select midpoint interpolation (see 'Details'). Has no effect for multivariate IDR.


included for generic function consistency.


If the variables x = data[j,] for which predictions are desired are already contained in the training dataset X for the fit, predict.idrfit returns the corresponding in-sample prediction. Otherwise monotonicity is used to derive upper and lower bounds for the predictive CDF, and the predictive CDF is a pointwise average of these bounds. For univariate IDR with a numeric covariate, the predictive CDF is computed by linear interpolation. Otherwise, or if interpolation != "linear", midpoint interpolation is used, i.e. default weights of 0.5 for both the lower and the upper bound.

If the lower and the upper bound on the predictive cdf are far apart (or trivial, i.e. constant 0 or constant 1), this indicates that the prediction based on x is uncertain because either the training dataset is too small or only few similar variable combinations as in x have been observed in the training data. However, the bounds on the predictive CDF are not prediction intervals and should not be interpreted as such. They only indicate the uncertainty of out-of-sample predictions for which the variables are not contained in the training data.

If the new variables x are greater than all X[i, ] in the selected order(s), the lower bound on the cdf is trivial (constant 0) and the upper bound is taken as predictive cdf. The upper bound on the cdf is trivial (constant 1) if x is smaller than all X[i, ]. If x is not comparable to any row of X in the given order, a prediction based on the training data is not possible. In that case, the default forecast is the empirical distribution of y in the training data.


A list of predictions. Each prediction is a data.frame containing the following variables:


the points where the predictive CDF has jumps.


the estimated CDF evaluated at the points.

lower, upper

(only for out-of-sample predictions) bounds for the estimated CDF, see 'Details' above.

The output has the attribute incomparables, which gives the indices of all predictions for which the climatological forecast is returned because the forecast variables are not comparable to the training data.

See Also

idr to fit IDR to training data.

cdf, qpred to evaluate the CDF or quantile function of IDR predictions.

bscore, qscore, crps, pit to compute Brier scores, quantile scores, the CRPS and the PIT of IDR predictions.

plot to plot IDR predictive CDFs.



## Fit IDR to data of 185 days using componentwise order on HRES and CTR and
## increasing convex order on perturbed ensemble forecasts (P1, P2, ..., P50)

varNames <- c("HRES", "CTR", paste0("P", 1:50))
X <- rain[1:185, varNames]
y <- rain[1:185, "obs"]

## HRES and CTR are group '1', with componentwise order "comp", perturbed
## forecasts P1, ..., P50 are group '2', with "icx" order

groups <- setNames(c(1, 1, rep(2, 50)), varNames)
orders <- c("comp" = 1, "icx" = 2)

fit <- idr(y = y, X = X, orders = orders, groups = groups)

## Predict for day 186
predict(fit, data = rain[186, varNames])

Quantile function of IDR or raw forecasts


Evaluate the the quantile function of IDR predictions or of unprocessed forecasts in a data.frame.


qpred(predictions, quantiles)

## S3 method for class 'idr'
qpred(predictions, quantiles)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
qpred(predictions, quantiles)



either an object of class idr (output of predict.idrfit), or a data.frame of numeric variables. In the latter case, quantiles are computed using the empirical distribution of the variables in predictions.


numeric vector of desired quantiles.


The quantiles are defined as lower quantiles, that is,

q(u)=inf(x:cdf(x)>=u).q(u) = inf(x: cdf(x) >= u).


A matrix of forecasts for the desired quantiles, one column per quantile.

See Also

predict.idrfit, cdf, qscore



## Postprocess HRES forecast using data of 3 years

X <- rain[1:(3 * 365), "HRES", drop = FALSE]
y <- rain[1:(3 * 365), "obs"]

fit <- idr(y = y, X = X)

## Compute 95%-quantile forecast given that the HRES forecast is
## 2.5 mm, 5 mm or 10 mm

predictions <- predict(fit, data = data.frame(HRES = c(2.5, 5, 10)))
qpred(predictions, quantiles = 0.95)

Quantile scores for IDR or raw forecasts


Computes quantile scores of IDR quantile predictions or of quantile predictions from raw forecasts in a data.frame.


qscore(predictions, quantiles, y)



either an object of class idr (output of predict.idrfit), or a data.frame of numeric variables. In the latter case, quantiles are computed using the empirical distribution of the variables in predictions.


numeric vector of desired quantiles.


a numeric vector of obervations of the same length as the number of predictions, or of length 1. In the latter case, y will be used for all predictions.


The quantile score of a forecast x for the u-quantile is defined as

2(1x>yu)(xy),2(1{x > y} - u)(x - y),

where y is the observation. For u = 1/2, this equals the mean absolute error of the median forecast.


A matrix of the quantile scores for the desired quantiles, one column per quantile.


Gneiting, T. and Raftery, A. E. (2007), 'Strictly proper scoring rules, prediction, and estimation', Journal of the American Statistical Association 102(477), 359-378

See Also

predict.idrfit, qpred



## Postprocess HRES forecast using data of 3 years

X <- rain[1:(3 * 365), "HRES", drop = FALSE]
y <- rain[1:(3 * 365), "obs"]

fit <- idr(y = y, X = X)

## Compute mean absolute error of the median postprocessed forecast using
## data of the next 2 years (out-of-sample predictions) and compare to raw
## HRES forecast

data <- rain[(3 * 365 + 1):(5 * 365), "HRES", drop = FALSE]
obs <- rain[(3 * 365 + 1):(5 * 365), "obs"]

predictions <- predict(fit, data = data)
idrMAE <- mean(qscore(predictions, 0.5, obs))
rawMAE <- mean(qscore(data, 0.5, obs))

c("idr" = idrMAE, "raw" = rawMAE)

Frankfurt airport precipitation data


Accumulated 06-30 hour precipitation observations and operational ECMWF ensemble forecasts for Frankfurt airport, Germany. The observations are airport station observations (WMO station index 10637), the forecasts are gridded forecasts for the 0.25 degrees latitude/longitude box containing the station. Dates range from 2007-01-01 to 2017-01-01, days with missing values have been removed.




A data frame with 3617 rows. The first column gives the dates, the second column are the observations. The remaining columns are the ensemble forecasts (high resolution HRES, 50 perturbed forecasts P1 to P50 and the control forecast CTR for the perturbed forecasts). The units of the forecasts and observations are mm/m^2.



Forecasts: available on TIGGE


Bougeault et al. (2010) The THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 91, 1059-1072.

Swinbank et al. (2016) The TIGGE project and its achievements. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 97, 49-67.